Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I have an Ouchie

Okay, I tried to grow a Goatee. This is funny in its own right because, well it looks like I have dirt on my chin. In fact it had become a little joke between Mel and I after I told her I would post a pic on Myspace.

Well the first problem I had was that below my lip broke out. I shaved it. And it went away. This morning I woke up to find that a bad pimple has formed where it was growing on my my chin. ANd it must have gotten infected. I am not sure how I am very clean person. But now my left cheek feels pretty numb. I am hoping to pop it, but not having much luck. It is very painful.

Disgusting I know, and it is also causing my cheek to swell a little bit (I feel like I am injected with novacaine)

Mel would probably tell me its my negatvity pooling in my cheek. She was concerned with me earlier in the week when I changed my mood on myspace to pessemistic. :)

Yesterday I got more bad news. I can not get my 401 k. If I get it I loose my unemployment. SO I have decided to keep it in for now, until I get another job. I was really looking forward to paying off my laptop. Oh well I guess a $15 a month payment wont be too bad til I get the money. Now if I can just get my Uemployment. Its still held up. I am getting really aggrivated.

I did my first VideoGame Show on Operator 11. I think we did pretty good, I am hoping to gather more viewers this Sunday. (1:30 PST, 3:30 Central) Its called Philnrobdgames. Look into it if you like. And be sure to watch the first episode. It has all the production value of a Local Accsess channel.

I actualy think I missed my calling. I should have gone in to Production. I am kinda good at it and I enjoy it, man to be young and be able to do it all over again. Lot of things I would have changed. Like not growing a goatee and having a small continent growing on my face. I think they are lighting a bonfire right now.... BRB

Okay back, I went and got an ice cube. Awww relief.

Anyway I have to get off here. I would post pics of said goatee, but you could not realy see it on my face anyway. Now the small continent that as just entered the ice age. I think I seen that thing on Google Earth

Have a good night
posted by Hendersonman at 7:22 PM, |


You're never too old to try something new. You have plenty of time to test new waters.