Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

Hey guys how is it going. All I can say about here is this. It Frickin hot. I mean Damnable hot, the hottest summer I can remember in the past few years. The temp is supposed to get to 97, and a heat index of 101 to 105.

It is going to be a bad week. And me without air condintioning in my car, I am not looking forward to that.

But lets quit talking about the weather and get on to something else. Melanie of course. I mean what else am I going to talk about. You may have heard in the video pocast that she changed her hair to brunette. I have not seen it yet, well besides a picture. But she is going to be gorgeous no matter what, I think.

She is going with her mom to the American Idol concert in St. Louis this Thursday night. This is something her and her mom plan for every year. I think it is kind of cool.

Last Sunday they thought her mom had a mouse in her bedroom. Her mom refused to sleep in there. So they both went and lay down in the living room. As they sat there talking. Her mom said, "Call Robert, see if he can come over and find the mouse." At this time it was Midnight. Mel said she was not going to do that to me.

I would have done it. To think that her mom already has me in the role of protector. That just makes me laugh. I can see the headlines now. "Sir Robert the Mouse Slayer". What can I say, my honor is my life.

I felt kind of bad, she talked to me for an hour the other night, on her birthday. She called me from a prepaid cell phone. And I did not realize that it cost her like $10 to talk to me for an hour. Her mom was on the main phone line. She was talking to an old friend of hers.

Keep their friend Eugene in your prayers. He is having a brain tumor removed. And he still has another the Doctors say is inoperatable. She said he is a real nice guy, and if Mel says someone is a nice guy them I take her at her word.

After hearing about the bridge collapse this week it has mad my commute to work frightning. I cross a huge bridge, that they are doing contruction on right now. I still have a hard time believing how that could happen I still think terrorism but they say no.

Anyway I am going to get off here. I may do a video podcast later. Let me know what you think about it. If I should keep doing it, or if my scares the hell out of you.

And Dave Santos, No.. Thank You

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posted by Hendersonman at 10:23 AM, |


I like the viedos; don't stop them.
Yeah, that bridge collapse was scary. Thank goodness, for now, I don't have to cross any.