Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Cool Breeze

Well I am sitting here outside my apartment enjoying the cool air. It has been a misreable heat filled July here. And today we got a torrential downpour. I tried getting to the grociery store but most of the roads are flooded, so we had to hit another store instead.

The other night I was looking online for some things when I came across the engagment pictures of my ex wife. I thought that it would really bother me, and it really didn't. It did not even hurt to find out she was pregnant. I guess I knew it would happen. I really do hope she is doing well. I wish her or her child no ill will.

Will I ever have kidlitts of my own. Who know. Am I even able to have kids. Was God protecting me. Or am I just shooting blanks. I am not anywhere near thinking about kids. Mel is great but hey this relationship is nowhere near even discussing that. But I have these moments of thought where I just feel like if never have kids I have lead a wasted life. I feel it would be a shame for kids not to have a father like I know I could be.

All I can say in my life right now is that I am glad that I feel anything. That numbess is no longer there, I feel again. And that has made all the difference.

An old buddy I blogged about got a hold of me today. That was cool. Ed Healy, I guess he found me when he was googleing his own name. (What kind of Rock Star Minded Jerk googles himself, I mean you have to be real conceited to do that Just Kidding!!!!)

The poor boy is in Iraq though I hope he gets home safe. He has two little kidlitts of his own.

On to other things Mel and I had a great time looking up places on google Maps Satelite photos. We zoomed in on her house and could see her car parked in the driveway. You can see my old pick up in front of the House I once owned. In fact the Mcdonalds behind my apartment had not even been built in the photos. Its like in this little snap shot of life. Thats going to be around for awhile. Saying that once you were here, and did not even realize what was going on above you.

Everyone google your address and let me know whAt snapshot of your life was taken.

Anyway have a good night.

posted by Hendersonman at 8:04 PM, |