Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Unemployed: Week 2

Feel Like I am getting into the groove of being unemployed. Yes sirre Bob.

I have played alot of video games. Went to the unemployment office. Filed paperwork to get my checks. Which is a bunch of buecratic Bullshit in my opinion. They want you to sign up online. So i worked in Indiana, but I live in kentucky now. I go to INdiana agency. They tell me since I live in KY, I need to sign up in Ky... I go to KY they tell me all my hours are in IN, So i have to fill out a form. And it is going to take me a week to hear something from them.

So I am waiting to hear from that. Then I am going through the step to get my 401k back. I need it to buy me a decent car, pay off all my laptop, and my credit card, and I plan on getting a PS3. I am a gamer who is running a Video Game blog site now.
phil-n-rob-d games if you like games check it out. I plan to try to include my wit and humor for everyone to enjoy.

Now to my rant of the week. I will never buy anything from Best Buy Again. Ever. I got my laptop back this week. But they failed to send back a key component. MY AC ADAPTER. So my laptop is as useless to me right now as it was when i sent it off. They are trying to locate my AC Adapter, and in the mean time they told me... tough luck. They could not even give me a universal Adapter. I dont give a shit if it cost you A $100. I did not loose my ac adapter. They lost it. And i cant use my laptop. And I am freakin pissed. Excuse my language.

And the week started out so well. Sunday night I got to talk to Mel for a couple of hours. I miss her. Soon i will have a little money again to take her out. I just hope she understands. I feel like a real looser right now. Oh well All things happen for a Reason right.

On to some better stuff. If you did not watch the new show Kid nation, i recommend you check it out. This is the show that survivor should have been. Its almost like they are making a TV show of the Lord of the Flies.

I mean the first episode I thought two of the kids were going to come to blows. Man if I was younger i think this would be the first show i could have survived in. They put this kids through more crap than those whiny asses go through in Survivor.

Anyway, just wanted to say hey to everyone. I know things will get better. I just miss my laptop, i miss Mel, I miss the customers at my old job. Well at least the good ones. I miss having a purpose.

Halo 3 is only 5 days away. this time Monday night i will be getting in the shower, and driving over to the halo 3 launch party at my local Eb games to pick up my game. Afterwards, me and Dennis(AKA xDisturbed Onex on Xbox Live) are going to spend the night putting the co-op mode through its paces. I will keep you updated onPhil-n-Rob-d Games

have A Good night.

And keep a lookout for the phil-n-Rob-d Video game show on
posted by Hendersonman at 6:53 PM, |