Tuesday, June 26, 2007
This Blog is Rated AO by the ESRB
Wow its been one of those weeks. Be warned this is going to be a Geekfest
First on my agenda. Video Games. Last week here in the states a game called manhunt 2 for the wii and ps 2 recieved an AO rating (Adults only) Soon afterwards it was banned from being released and there has been a terrible backlash from people about this.
How come the politicians are not up in arms about movies like Hostel (Quality alone should have kept movies like that from making theaters) There is nothing I have read about Manhunt 2 that make me believe it is any worse than the movie Hostel.
Now The ESRB is telling websites that they ae not allowed to show gameplay clips from the game "The Darkness" because they are overly violent. They want all video game clips to be safe now for everyone.
When is this shit going to stop. I mean when are people going to realiz that games are not for kids any more. Nevermind th Wii. I am worried. I am woried that the ESRB is going to ban the game Grand Theft Auto 4. Because Clinton and Obama are trying to pass laws about how we purchase a gae, and even make it a felony to rent or sell violent video games to kids.
Its just so frustrating to me. Millions of people play games all the time and they dont kill people but it happens one time and people have a scapegoat. Games are entertainment. Just like movies. Sure they are interactive but they are less realistic looking than movies.
Anyway moving along.
I am a Game master again. Starting this week hopefully I will begin running a game of Conspiracy X. Its a pen and paper Rpg based off an X files and Conspracy based world. At first people seemed to be not interested as much but people are getting in a better mood for it this week. I miss game mastering its good for me. It opens up my creativity and lets me breathe.
I actually have started writing more here and there, I am writing a short story right now about a Healer who is trying to save a year old girls life, who just hapens to be the child of his ex wife and her new husband. I actually think it is a good story, and has a twist of an ending. Maybe it wil eventually get finished.
Mel's Computer is acting up on her. I my have to give her my old computer if it keeps giving her trouble. I dont need it for anything since I got my laptop. I asked her if she wanted to go out this weekend but have yet to get a response. So hopefully we will.
My 360 came home Friday. I missed it so much. And what am I hooked on right now. Suprisingly, Pac-man Championship Edition. I am not sure why this game is so much fun, but it is. I keep trying to raise my score, but man some people are really fricking good at it. By the way ESRB I am 30 and I am playing a game rated E for everyone, do you want me to be arrested for pedophillia.
Anyway not much else to chat about today. So I am going to say adios amigos.
posted by Hendersonman at 9:34 AM, |